
  • New creativity

    02 February 2017 / Inspirations, News

    Is it too late to say Happy New Year dear friends?!  For many of us 2016 was a bit of a blur and a challenging year and as I look back at my last blog…in October last year…it has been a little while between drinks!  Haha!  However, with the New Year has come new energy,… 

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  • Love is a four-legged word

    26 February 2016 / Art, News

    How does one pay tribute to a special dog?  For eight years I have known him.  He was already 10 when I met him.  Dexter has been the guardian of good energy and unconditional love enjoyed at our Wednesday group of wonderful friends for several years.  Year in, year out, he has been a cherished and loyal participant… 

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